Time: Tue, 3PM—4PM
Location: 366 and 362 WVH (see Calendar invite for details)
Group leader (24 spring): Yao Xu
Topics: CXL and ML systems
Zoom link: https://northeastern.zoom.us/j/93513937949?pwd=S2dmL3NaM0dyZmtGTjFYZE9HSnhVdz09
CXL papers:
- Pond: CXL-Based Memory Pooling Systems for Cloud Platforms (ASPLOS’23)
- Towards an Adaptable Systems Architecture for Memory Tiering at Warehouse-Scale (ASPLOS ’23)
- TPP: Transparent Page Placement for CXL-Enabled Tiered-Memory (ASPLOS ’23)
- Demystifying CXL Memory with Genuine CXL-Ready Systems and Devices (MICRO ’23)
- Partial Failure Resilient Memory Management System for (CXL-based) Distributed Shared Memory (SOSP’23)
- SMT: Software-Defined Memory Tiering for Heterogeneous Computing Systems With CXL Memory Expander (IEEE Micro magazine)
- A Case Against CXL Memory Pooling (HotNet’23)
- Near to Far: An Evaluation of Disaggregated Memory for In-Memory Data Processing (WISH ’23, Workshop on Disruptive Memory Systems)
ML papers:
- Scaling Distributed Machine Learning with the Parameter Server (OSDI’14)
- TensorFlow: A System for Large-Scale Machine Learning (OSDI’16)
- TVM: An Automated End-to-End Optimizing Compiler for Deep Learning (OSDI’18)